Surgery is the only definite way to cure cataracts. It involves removing the clouded lens and introducing a clear artificial implant into the eye. The artificial lens focuses the light on the back of the eye, the retina, to produce a clear image once more.
Surgery takes approximately 15-20 minutes. It is an outpatient procedure that is done under aseptic conditions and with only anaesthetic drops. The eye does not need to have any anaesthetic injection.
Patients then go home the same day with some post operative drops to use for few weeks. These help with recovery which is usually only a few days. Patients can -most of the times and depending on implant chosen- drive within few days assuming no other eye pathology is present.

George is renowned for his abilities with more complex surgery
Begin your journey to a clearer future
01432 802600
The Wye Clinic, 35 Edgar St, Hereford HR4 9JP